Sunday, March 29, 2020

Chemistry of Life - The New Search For Lifes Chemistry

Chemistry of Life - The New Search For Life's ChemistryHow do you prove the chemistry of life? How do you test it to find out if it works or not? All this is possible, if you are a chemist. You don't need to take a course in this subject, although that would be a good idea.All you need to do is to do some research. This can be done in many ways, but the simplest way is to just go online and read all the info you can get about the chemistry of life. Then, take out your calculator and look for numbers and equations, in whatever you can figure out, when it comes to life.You will soon discover that there are a lot of changes that have to take place for living things to occur. In fact, they can easily change as a result of molecules breaking down and others replacing them. If that happens, the cell membranes have to change. The cell membranes determine the kind of living things inside a cell, which are normally found in a cell's nucleus.These new cells, which are in a process of growth, d o have the ability to divide. They also do have the ability to reproduce, which is a good thing, since some cells reproduce much faster than others.How do these new cells grow? This is done by mitosis, which is what happens when two cells fuse together. This gives you an understanding of how cells function, as well as how life begins.We all know that in order for a cell to divide, it needs oxygen, water, and energy. The chemical reactions that happen inside cells and cause them to divide are what make them all alive. It is called metabolism.There are actually many cells in a body. Some are single-celled, and some are multi-cellular. With time, they divide and become single cells, and then multi-cellular cells. This goes on.The liver plays an important role in the process. Its job is to filter out the toxins from the body's blood and then store it, and it removes fat and waste from the body. If there is a genetic mutation, the liver can be malfunctioning, so a liver disorder is a goo d example of how genes can be involved in the process of mutation.

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